Lawyer Hattingen

Lawyer Hattingen is a leading regional law firm providing comprehensive legal services to local, national and global clients. The firm advises on all aspects of business law, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate and commercial transactions, intellectual property, tax law, labour law and dispute resolution. It also provides advice on public sector and regulatory issues, and advises on international and domestic restructuring projects. The renowned divorce lawyer Ute Schniering, attorney at law, is there for you in the event of family-law problems and will work out quick and secure solutions for you. Whether it concerns the calculation, examination, enforcement or defence of maintenance claims, she will take care of your matter quickly and competently. You can reach her by e-mail or telephone. Alternatively, you can come to her at the office in Essen. In the course of the “Julich-Klevischen Erbfolgestreit” (war of the Julich succession) the protestant town of Hattingen and the catholic Blankenstein are occupied by Spanish troops. After ten days of excruciating siege, the inhabitants finally surrender to the army. The lawyer Friedrich Litten is a little-known but very important figure in Hattingen’s history. He is one of the first to confront Hitler after he came to power, and his demolition of the fuehrer’s argument that the Nazi movement was peaceful and democratic earned him years of brutal persecution. Today, a drama and a documentary portray him as a cantankerous, flawed but ultimately heroic man. GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ has developed a best-in-class network of German market leader boutique firms in every area of law, and these firms provide top-tier legal advice in their respective field of expertise. At the same time, the firm has a strong track record of steering complex domestic and cross-border projects in collaboration with leading national and international law firms. Lawyers from GLADE MICHEL WIRTZ are thus always able to offer their clients the right mix of world-class skills and a strong partner-led service in efficient and powerful teams. This approach makes us unique and creates the basis for our first class legal solutions made in Germany. This is how we are able to add value for our clients in every assignment. Rechtsanwalt Hattingen






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